We've created a simple process to make it, quick and
easy to migrate your site. Check out how our process works.
Download & Install Transferito
Choose from downloading our WordPress plugin or Transferito Desktop
Select Your Migration Method
Want to pull a WordPress site into your local development environment?
or deploy your WordPress site to any host or server? We've got you covered!
Enter Migration Details
Depending on the migration method you've selected,
these may vary slightly, but our easy to use guides can help.
Start your Migration
Once you've entered all of your migration details.
Your 1 click migration, that will backup and automatically install
your WordPress site to it's new destination.
Let our servers do the magic
This is where the magic of Transferito comes into play.
Our servers create backups of your WordPress site and install
them for you. So that you don't have to.
Sit back and wait
Our average migrations, take just under a minute.
All you have to do is wait for our servers to finish doing their magic
& we'll notify when your migration has completed.
Migrate your WordPress site in seconds!
Click on the button below to download our official WordPress plugin or Transferito Desktop.
Start using Transferito today to migrate your WordPress websites quicker and easier than ever.