Frequently Asked Questions
Got a question about how our suite of migration plugins work? We've created a comprehensive list of the common questions we've been asked.
How easy is your plugin to use?

Our plugin is very easy to use. All you need is either your FTP & Database details or your cPanel details. (The cPanel method is the quickest and easiest migration method because it automatically creates FTP and Database details for you). All you need to do is enter your details and click on the start migration button & wait for your migration to complete.

Are my credentials safe and secure?

Yes, we use the latest encryption to secure all of our data. We only temporarily store your credentials in our system. So unless you've selected the option to save your credentials. As soon as your transfer has been completed, your details are permanently removed from our system.

What happens to the files and database on my old server?

Nothing, we don't delete or modify any of your original WordPress files or modify your database during the migration process.

What happens to my files and database?

We never store your files or database. The migration magic happens on your servers so we never keep a copy, when we are moving / migrating your WordPress site.

How long does a migration take?

Currently an average WordPress migration takes about 45 seconds. Although the time it takes for a migration can vary depending on a number of factors. Which could be your connection speed, the size your WordPress installation or the load on our servers.

Does anyone look at my credentials?

No they don't. We have used a secure method to store your credentials, so that only you can see them.

Is there a WordPress plugin?

Yes we currently have an official WordPress plugin. WordPress Migration Plugin – Transferito

What is a local to server transfer?

This is the process of transferring a WordPress installation from your local development environment to a production server. So that it is publicly accessible.

What is a server to server migration?

This is the process of migrating a live WordPress website such as to With our server to server transfer we are able to do this, directly from within our web interface. Without installing any additional software or plugins.

What is a server to local transfer?

(This is feature currently disabled - Please check back soon to see when we re-enable this feature)

This process allows you to download a full WordPress installation from a live publicly accessible website and install it in your local development environment.

What's the maximum WordPress size you can transfer?

The largest site we're able to transfer is 50TB. We are yet to test any installations that are larger than that. The size of your WordPress website you can migrate depends on your subscription.

Does transferito work with every host?

As long as you have SFTP/FTP access, transferito will work for you.

How many sites can I migrate every month?

You migrate unlimited sites of any size if you have access to Transferito Premium.

What are your terms and conditions?

You can see the full list of our terms and conditions by clicking on this link Terms and Conditions

What is your refund policy?

You can see our full refund policy by clicking on this link Refund Policy

What am I paying for?

By purchasing Transferito Premium you are paying for 1 Year access to Transferito's premium features and benefits. You can cancel your subscription renewal at anytime.

Can WooCommerce be migrated?

We support migrations of WooCommerce sites. Our software can migrate your full WooCommerce site from local to live or from a live server to another live server.

What can be migrated using the cPanel migration method?

Our cPanel migration method allows you to migrate a WordPress site using your cPanel login details. It automatically creates your FTP and Database details so you don't have to. Our cPanel migration method does not bulk move WordPress sites or move your webmail and email.

Can I migrate my site from a sub domain to a final domain?

Yes, we can. You just need to provide your FTP & Database details or cPanel details to migrate from a sub domain to another domain.

How do I find or create my FTP details?

Your web hosting provider should provide you with FTP details. If you have an issue creating these please contact your web hosting provider.

If your web hosting provider uses cPanel - this video may help Create FTP Details

How do I find or create my Database details?

Your web hosting provider should provide you with database details. If you have an issue creating these details please contact your web hosting provider.

If your web hosting provider uses cPanel - this video may help Create Database Details

Does your plugin support migrating a WordPress multisite / Network?

(This is feature is on our roadmap and will be available soon)

At the moment we do not officially support migrating a WordPress network.

Do you migrate sites from

(This is feature is on our roadmap and will be available soon)

At the moment we are not able to migrate sites from

Can I move part of my database?

(This is feature is on our roadmap and will be available soon)

No, we can not currently migrate part of your database. Our current migration process allows your migrate your full database or exclude your database from the migration.